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SMA Tripower TL 25000

Original price was: 3.344,61 €.Current price is: 3.185,35 €.



Technical Data

Sunny Tripower    25000TL

input (DC)
Max. DC power (at cos φ = 1) / DC rated power 25550 W / 25550 W
Max. input voltage 1000 V
MPP voltage range / rated input voltage 320 V to 800 V / 600 V 390 V to 800 V / 600 V
Min. input voltage / start input voltage 150 V / 188 V 150 V / 188 V
Max. input current input A / input B 33 A / 33 A 33 A / 33 A
Number of independent MPP inputs / strings per MPP input 2 / A:3; B:3 2 / A:3; B:3
output (AC)
Rated power (at 230 V, 50 Hz)  25000 W
Max. AC apparent power  25000 VA
AC nominal voltage 3 / N / PE; 220 V / 380 V
3 / N / PE; 230 V / 400 V
3 / N / PE; 240 V / 415 V
AC voltage range 180 V to 280 V
AC grid frequency / range 50 Hz / 44 Hz to 55 Hz
60 Hz / 54 Hz to 65 Hz
Rated power frequency / rated grid voltage 50 Hz / 230 V
Max. output current / Rated output current 29 A / 29 A 36.2 A / 36.2 A
Power factor at rated power / Adjustable displacement power factor 1 / 0 overexcited to 0 underexcited
THD ≤ 3%
Feed-in phases / connection phases 3 / 3
Effi ciency
Max. effi ciency / European Effi ciency 98.4% / 98.0% 98.3% / 98.1



inverter snage 25.000 W

maksimalna efikasnost od 98.4

spajanje kablova bez alata

Inverter velike snage poznatog njemačkog proizvođača SMA.

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